Once you have drafted the respective document(s) and saved it in PDF format.;
Log into the Legal Serve platform, with your unique username and password.
Click and select the required service, i.e. document delivery, court instruction or postal services.
Create or Open a case/matter file, with your own reference number.
In the case of delivery or postal mail of a document:-
Capture the recipient(s) / respondent(s) contact information - Legal Serve can accommodate unlimited number of recipients(s).
In the case of a court instruction:-
Select the Serve Centre ("correspondent") from the drop down list. Then select the required type of service from the drop down service list.
Upload your PDF document(s) - Legal Serve can accommodate any size and number of documents. There are no limitations!
Click on the Process button, and that's it, you are done...
Now we will take over and complete your instruction, and provide you with proof of service once the task is completed;
All recipients will automatically receive a email notification. It is also possiable for you to include a registered SMS, if needed.
A valid serve (certificate) or track and trace report is automatically generated and updated daily.
In the case of a court instruction. We will print your document, get it signed by an attorney and execute your instruction. Once we have completed your instruction we will provide you with legal proof that the instruction was completed as requested, All instruction are completed within the boundaries of the law / court rules.
All printed documentsts will be retained, for your next phase of the process.
At the end of each month we will send you a single invoice. That contains billing per per case/matter number and service selected.
Side Notes;
All original (paper) documents are kept at the Serve Centre and available for collection if needed.
All original (paper) documents are retained for 5 years.
Our built-in chat system, allows you and our Serve Centre to communicate directly with each other.
None of the recipient(s) need to be Legal Serve subscribers to be able to receive documents.
Documents are automatically certified as digital originals.
Service requests are assigned a unique tracking number for full auditing.
Document(s) are securely retained within your digital court case file "filing cabinet" for viewing at any time.
Documents can not be deleted, replaced or amended.
All the control is in your hands.
A single application which is secure and accessible from anywhere.
Implementation, configuration and training, only takes an hour.
Legal Serve is a secure cloud-based platform that enables you to get the job done cost effectively and efficiently 24/7.